Thursday, 29 October 2015

Planning - Digipak Ideas

Digipak Ideas

Today, Kenz and I came up with some ideas for our digipak, you can see these below. We came up with out tracks that will be on our album that is coming out along side the single we are producing our music video for.  

We will call our album 'The Lights' and there will be eight songs on it.
  1. Reflection
  2. Putting on a Front
  3. Watch this Space
  4. Crazy in Love
  5. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
  6. The Lights
  7. Smudges
  8. Moving too fast
We thought that these songs fit with the genre and mood of our album and go into the genre of our chosen track nicely. Also, we made the decision to rename our artist as Lauren Simpson doesn't sound like much of a star name so we had a few ideas but we decided to change her name to Scarlett Simpson. I think that the alliteration of the 'S's makes her name more memorable for our audience.

The very rough sketch of our first and what we believe to possibly be our final digipak design is in the layout above. We thought that it would be a very good idea to have a girl looking in a mirror like she is getting ready before going on stage to perform her dance. I think that as an initial idea its creative as it then relates to the footage we are going to film to go along with the song.

Planning - Costume & Prop List Final

Costume List 

Couple Scenes

Alice - Black top, black jeans, black shoes, natural make up and hair.

Jack - Black top, black trousers, black shoes and natural hair.

Dance Scenes in the Pit

Lauren - Black lace ballet leotard, flawless make up with natural lip but big eyes.

Dance Scenes in dance studio 

Lauren - Black leotard, skin coloured tights, ballet shoes, bare/minimal make up and hair in a bun.

Singing Scenes in recording studio and in front of white board

Lauren - Black top, black jeans, black shoes, natural make up and hair. 

Prop List

Mic in the recording studio

Planning - Production Schedule

Production Schedule 

Below is when we plan to film all the shots for our music video.  

Wednesday 21st October - Film test footage of Lauren lip syncing at Kenz's house 

Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd October - Edit and upload test footage

Wednesday 28th October - Film Alice and Jack scenes at Jacks House/ film shots of cars on motor way

Thursday 5th November - Film Lauren dancing in Pit and singing in recording studio 

Friday 6th November - Film Lauren in dance studio at Rhodes Centre

Edit in between when we can upload footage. 

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Research - Digipak Examples


Here is what our digipak will look like it terms of how it is laid out. There will be 6 sides in total that we need to find a design for and one of these is the CD itself. One side will be obviously the front cover, one will be the back where there will be a list of the tracks in the album, then there will be three spare sides to cover will information or images/illustrations. As you can see from the images i have included in this post they show the layout to help you understand what i mean. There will also be a spine in which i am already assuming will have the album title and the artist on. 

This is the sort of diagram that we will use when we are designing our own digipak as it has all the sides next to each other so we can see if all of the side relate to each other and fit. Also, this image has the dimensions in the corner so i know how big/small to make it when doing a mock up as i am presuming i will create the final thing on a computer as i will most likely use Photoshop and other programs to assist my making. 

From first thought there are a few different features that i want our didipak to include from my previous knowledge of album covers which is very little. However, i do know that i want the front and back to relate in some way. For example like the Katy Perry's Teenage Dream digipak carries along around the back and has a cloud going all around the case. I think that this looks really effective because it is smooth and fits well. I think that this is an aesthetic that i would really like to achieve with my album cover. 

Also, i like the fact that it has a star image feature on it as Katy Perry is right in the centre and so our attention is brought to her. Although, to avoid the theory of the male gaze which would be relevant in this images case but in my own i think we should steer case of it since it may put some people off and we want to be attracting audiences not repel them just from the front cover of the CD case. However, i do believe that the audience for this album would be very similar to those of my chosen song so maybe it would be beneficial to include a little bit of skin. But back to the star image fact i think that having a picture on Lauren on the front cover would be a good idea as then it shows the audiences who the singer is and can be used as a way of marketing due to the fact that our target market may see her face and just want to buy the album. 

Within my digipak i would like to include about 8 tracks on the back and have a theme that runs on the album art and also on the advert/poster so that when a customer sees one or the other they know instantly that it is our album/song/artist. 

Below are a variety of different types of album covers and some posters that i like the look of which i may use as inspiration for my own creations. 

As you can see from all of these examples i have used the pop genre as inspiration as that is what my genre from my song is so i thought that it was best suited. When looking at all of these examples, you can see that there is a star image presented in all of them and they are always or most often in the center or if not then they are the center or where your attention is diverted to. If i was to pick a favorite out of all of these examples, besides the Katy Perry one in which i discussed above i would have to choose Demi Lovato's based on the fact that i like how shes not looking into the camera which seems to be the most common feature in all of the other covers and so it is going against the genre.  

Planning - Model Consent Form

Model Consent Forms

Below are the forms that my partner and i asked our actors to fill in and sign to make sure that they were okay with being in our video but we also thought that having their consent is important. We asked Lauren who is going to be our performer and then Alice and Jack who we are going to use as our couple for those shots to portray the 'love'.


To the photographer/filmmaker:                                                                                       (name)
From the model:                                                                                                                    (name)

Photographs/footage taken on                                                                                      (date) at                                                                                                                                        (location)

In exchange for receiving (check/tick as appropriate):
  modelling fee in the amount of                                

  free prints/footage

I, the model, grant you, the photographer, and usage of the photographs/footage subject to the following conditions:

      I understand that the photographs/footage taken of me during this sessions can be used wholly or in part in any publication (commercial or otherwise), portfolio or public display (delete any that aren't applicable).
      The photographs may be used to represent an imaginary person and any wording associated will not be attributed to me unless my name is specifically mentioned.
      Any special conditions on usage agreed between the model and photographer:

Model:                                                                        Photographer:                                                                        
both parties to sign here to agree these special conditions.

I acknowledge that by signing this form, subject to the usage restrictions above, I give up all claim of ownership of the photographs, and assign copyright to the photographer named above. No further payment will be due. Use of the photographs may be granted to third parties, however the photographs will remain the property of the photographer.

I have read this form carefully and fully understand the implications. I am 18 years old or over.

Signed:                                                                    (model)     Date:                                         

If the model is under 18 years of age, a parent or legal guardian must sign:
Parent/guardian:                                                                       Date:                                         

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Planning - Roles of Team

Roles of Team

Within my team there is only Kenz and i, we decided to work as a pair as we thought it would allow us to still have a lot of independence and make decisions but still have a bit help to ease of the amount of work load we have. Since there is only two of us we do not have specific roles and we haven't throughout the research and planning stage so far but now it has come to looking into the digipak and advert and so we have decided to split them between us. I decided that i would like to design and organise the album cover and think of the name and Kenz wanted to create the advert and decide how to make people aware of our new album we are bringing out. 

We work well together as we have the same end vision and want the best results, neither one of us does more work than the other and we always listen to each others ideas. Since we get on so well i think that this shows through in our work as we agree on decisions quickly and without dispute. 

Planning - Shot List

Shot List


A panning shot will be used in my music video towards the beginning. A panning shot is done by the camera stabilized on top of the tripod, and the leaver from the tripod will enable me to move in whatever motion around the area of location. This will enable the shot to look smooth and effortless.

Pulled Focus 

We plan to use a pulled focus shot between our couple holding hands and the back ground that they will be shot in. We believe that a shot like this will give a lot of effect as it will let the audience see both things in the shot and give them an idea of where the two holding hands are but also shows the 'love' between them as it says in our lyrics. 

High Angle 

We are going to use a high angle shot during the performance of our dancer when there is going to be a bright spot light on her. We think that this will give a good effect as it will highlight her isolation and show that she is alone which is what we want. This angle will be shot at our school in what we call 'the pit' since it has a lighting system and a space to look down on the performance being done below so we cam achieve the high angle that i want. 

Long Shot 

When filming shots of the couple we have chosen to be in our video we will include some long shots to get the location in so the audience can see them together. Also, my partner and i plan to film a time lapse of a busy street at night time to give the effect of loneliness to the audience so they can relate our actresses feelings. 

Mid Shot

The main mid shot that we are going to include is going to be of our couple from the middle of their body down. We are not going to have any shots of their faces or even their heads as we believe that it will give a good but interesting sense of the unknown. 

Close Up 

There is going to be a close up shot of the dancers features when she is getting ready to go on stage and perform. 

Planning - Final Storyboard

Final Storyboard

Below is our final detailed storyboard with each shot in that we plan to shoot.

Research - Lighting Research and Examples

Lighting Research

In terms of lighting, my partner and I want to use colours like on this stage in the clip of Lauren (our dancer) performing the dance where she had previously choreographed it for. We think that the quick change when the chorus comes in to this bright pinkish purple light really works well with making the audience aware of the quick beat change and helps them feel the emotion in which we would want them to film. However, when it comes to our own lighting i think that i would rather a pinker/red light since this would connote love and passion which is what the song is about linking visuals and lyrics.

To add to that, also in the dance performance i think that a good idea would be to use a spot light on the dancer since this would show her isolated and lonely and once again relating to the lyrics of how she's gone 'crazy' due to the fact she is in love. I think that having her in a spot light would highlight her and her features as she is wearing black outfit and so will not be as visible in normal lighting but when she is lit up by the light she is out in the open to the audience and they can see her for what she is. The dance that Lauren has already made for this song is very powerful and so this kind of high key bright light contrasting with the black background works very well. 

Another idea we have is to time lapse a dark night street which has lights everywhere and is relatively busy so that is shows how the performer/actress in our video can be very alone in a busy place. 

Planning - First Storyboard Draft

First Draft Storyboard

Friday, 16 October 2015

Planning - Copyright law

Copyright Law

Below is what the OCR website says on copyrighting a song:

"Q. What does OCR state in the specification in regard to these briefs?
All material for all tasks to be produced by the candidates with the exception of nonoriginal sound or image material used in a LIMITED way in video/radio work… For music video, permission should be sought from the artist for the use of the audio track.
Q. What does this mean for centres? Brief 1 Music Video Promotion Package
OCR respects the rights of artists and labels and requires centres to ensure materials submitted for assessment are not infringing copyright law (the onus being on centres to interpret current copyright law). If centres use found audio material OCR moderators are not in a position to police such actions: it is the responsibility of centres and candidates to ensure appropriate permissions are sought. As copyright permission plays no part in the assessment criteria, candidate marks will not be automatically penalised. However, centres should be aware that they may potentially be breaching copyright law and this is at their own risk (full links to current copyright law can be found in the appendix of this document). For example, if a candidate places found audio material (accompanying their video) for download on a website homepage they create for a band as part of this brief then this would be at the centre’s and candidate’s own risk if copyright law is infringed.
Copyright free options available for Music Video in G324: • Approach local bands and get permission to use their material • Approach unsigned bands on ‘My Space’ etc and get permission to use their material. • Collaborate with music department/students in your centre on the project • Create your own music or sound track."

Taking these rules into consideration, our song does not violate any rules since it is a cover of an original song and the pace of it has been changed so the only thing that is the same is the lyrics. Although, the song or cover is still not our own and so we cannot take any credit for it, we are simply just making a video to put to it.

Monday, 12 October 2015

Planning - Pitch


In class today my partner and i presented a pitch to the rest of our class where we explained our idea of what we are going to do for our music video. 

Friday, 9 October 2015

Research - Theorists (Laura Mulvey)


Laura Mulvey 

Laura Mulvey came up with the theory of the male gaze, the concept of the theory changes depending on how the audience views the people presented on the screen. For most people thought it is how either a female or male or that person look at a female or themselves. This was thought of in 1975 and she believes that the audience have to view the person being sexualised through a males eyes. It is saying that women are seen as objects and that men think of women wrongly.  

An example of the male gaze can be seen in the lyrics of the song 'she's so lovely' by Scouting for Girls as they say "i love the way she fills her clothes, she looks like them girls in vogue" stating that they are viewing her body in a way they shouldn't. Also, relating her body to someones from Vogue the magazine is showing that they are thinking about her body would be fit enough to be in that magazine. If someone was asked questions about what else was in the mise-en-scene of the shot, like what colour was the girls top or what colour where her shoes, you would not know since you were too focused on her body and features to notice anything else. 

This theory has also been used in situations where woman aren't even trying to be sexual or appreciated aesthetically but this male gaze theory has proven true since people still view them in this way. This is quite often where there is an issue as woman do not understand why people or specifically men are looking at them and trying to see them as an object which they are not. 

Some people disagree with this theory as they believe that when men or women look at a female in a sexual manor that they are just appreciating their beauty or even just looking and not judging.

Monday, 5 October 2015

Planning - Location


Now my partner and i have planned further and discussed what is going to go into out music video, we have established what the different locations will be where we need to film. The different shots where we need to film are:

  1. Dance studio
  2. Recording studio
  3. House
  4. Plain room with projector
We have come up with these locations whilst starting to build on our storyboard and when thinking into more detail about what sort of narrative and performance we want to include these seemed to fit best.