Friday, 18 December 2015

Final - Lighting


Below are some of the different types of lighting that featured throughout out music video. the main and in my opinion the most effective lighting came from the pit as there was professional equipment that we could use in there so we took full advantage of this. The first four shots below are what we filmed in the pit, i think they turned out very well as we we could get different effects on the shots we wanted. For example, there were two different kinds of red lighting that we could depending on how many of the red washes over the lights we used. In the first shot you can see it is a lot brighter as we focused more lights on her face so that it just looked like a bright red spotlight. However, in the third shot the red is deeper and does not accentuate her features just as much, but i like how there is a difference and think this adds variety to out shots. We decided to use the red lighting as we thought that we could relate the fact that the song was about love and red denotes love. 

In the shots where we just used the white light in the pit, these were also different as we could change how many of the lights we used which all gave us a different effect. In some of the shots we were able to just get in half of her face with a shadow on the other side, i guess you could say that this relates to the fact that she is 'crazy' and that part of her is hidden. But then also, all of her face is in some of the shots. 

This shot is of Lauren in the dance studio which i know i have previously said that the lighting was not very good but once we discovered that we could dim the lights int he room we realised we could get some cool silhouette shots like this one of her stretching in front of the bar. I like these shots are they then coordinate with the shots below that of Alice and Jack which are also silhouettes. I think that all of these shots look professional and arty. Especially the ones with the couple as they have the added benefit of the lighting in the background giving the contrast between the two light types. 

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