Friday 25 September 2015

Research - Market Research Questionnaire

Market Research Questionnaire

To find out who we are going to target our music video at we need to know which market to enter, to find out this information my partner and i are going to write up a questionnaire to hand out to various age groups with people of different demographics to find out who our audience is going to be. This will be a useful source of primary research that should give us an insight to the types of people interested in the music genre of 'Crazy In Love'.

I will put up another post about what the results are that we receive, this will be in about a weeks time. We are carrying this survey out on Survey Monkey as it is an easier platform for us to use. To gain results we are going to email it around to people within our school and also publish it on social media so that people of different ages will get a chance to share their opinion.

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