Thursday 29 October 2015

Planning - Digipak Ideas

Digipak Ideas

Today, Kenz and I came up with some ideas for our digipak, you can see these below. We came up with out tracks that will be on our album that is coming out along side the single we are producing our music video for.  

We will call our album 'The Lights' and there will be eight songs on it.
  1. Reflection
  2. Putting on a Front
  3. Watch this Space
  4. Crazy in Love
  5. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
  6. The Lights
  7. Smudges
  8. Moving too fast
We thought that these songs fit with the genre and mood of our album and go into the genre of our chosen track nicely. Also, we made the decision to rename our artist as Lauren Simpson doesn't sound like much of a star name so we had a few ideas but we decided to change her name to Scarlett Simpson. I think that the alliteration of the 'S's makes her name more memorable for our audience.

The very rough sketch of our first and what we believe to possibly be our final digipak design is in the layout above. We thought that it would be a very good idea to have a girl looking in a mirror like she is getting ready before going on stage to perform her dance. I think that as an initial idea its creative as it then relates to the footage we are going to film to go along with the song.

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