Tuesday 20 October 2015

Planning - Roles of Team

Roles of Team

Within my team there is only Kenz and i, we decided to work as a pair as we thought it would allow us to still have a lot of independence and make decisions but still have a bit help to ease of the amount of work load we have. Since there is only two of us we do not have specific roles and we haven't throughout the research and planning stage so far but now it has come to looking into the digipak and advert and so we have decided to split them between us. I decided that i would like to design and organise the album cover and think of the name and Kenz wanted to create the advert and decide how to make people aware of our new album we are bringing out. 

We work well together as we have the same end vision and want the best results, neither one of us does more work than the other and we always listen to each others ideas. Since we get on so well i think that this shows through in our work as we agree on decisions quickly and without dispute. 

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