Thursday 1 October 2015

Research - Theorists (Andrew Goodwin)


Andrew Goodwin

He had theories on music videos and that they are created in certain ways. 
Key Features: 

  • Music videos demonstrate characteristics
  • There is a relationship between 'lyrics and visuals' and 'music and visuals'
  • The demands of the record label
  • The frequent references to the notion of looking
  • There is often intertextual references

Genre characterisation - Goodwin believes that many music videos include demonstration of genre characteristics. E.g. a dance routine is typical for a girl/boy band. 

Intertextual references
Music videos often have references to other media in them. This can be used to advertise a production/film. 

"There are frequent references to the notion of looking and the voyeuristic treatment of the female body" - A.Goodwin
 E.g. mirrors, tv screens, cameras, etc. 
Used so that the sex appeal sells

Record Label Expectations
The record label that an artist is assigned to tends to have certain demands. Lots of close ups of the artist.

Lyrics and Visuals
Illustrate - music videos use a set of images to illustrate the meaning of the lyrics and genre.
Amplify - meanings and effects are manipulated and constantly shown in video and drummed into our vision.
Disjuncture - where the meaning of the song is completely ignored.

Music and Visuals
This is the same as lyrics and visuals but also, includes cutting to the beat of the song.

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